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Sunday 9 March 2014


"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014"

Enjoying your coconut pancake at the Berry Fresh Produce Markets. I was amazed that not 10 minutes after this photo was taken you went into complete meltdown mode. Without warning we had a screaming, yelling, tantrum throwing toddler on our hands with no visible trigger. We tried to reason with you and talk it out but in the end your Dadda threw you over his shoulder and we made our way back to the car (with you kicking and screaming the entire way).

** Any tips for toddler meltdowns are appreciated **

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  1. What a cutie! I wish I knew some tricks to stop toddler meltdowns!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! Sometimes being so cute means getting away with so much more!! xx

  2. Rescue Remedy (Bach Flower essences in general are a big favourite of mine for overwhelming toddler emotions)... and if they don't work for the toddler, I take a few sprays myself, and that always helps ; ) That coconut pancake looks delish!!

    1. I completely forgot about Rescue Remedy, Mietta you are a lifesaver dear friend! It has been years but I always used to keep the drops in my bag, dreaming of their 'rummy' taste now... Much love xx
