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Monday 22 April 2013

Small Spaces.

We are in the middle of a beautiful new space for our creative frog but are waiting on something very special to arrive from Bellingen. So today I don't have a space ready to show you but I do have a great little activity that everybody loves....

The beauty of play dough is you can make it and play with it anytime of year, inside or out. I have been meaning to make my own dough for Audrey ever since I saw a pin on Pinterest that lead me here. But it wasnt until I stumbled across a beautiful post on Oscarlucinda that I got around to making some of my own. The post motivated me into action as it talked about childhood art education, the value of having quality materials and the luxury of time. There is nothing more rewarding then hand making something for your child. As I was kneading the dough for Audrey I was filled with a sense of achievement that I was providing her with an activity that was not only fun but educational.

Love, Elle

* I chose cacao, turmeric, blueberries and beetroot to colour the dough and lavender essential oil for a beautiful aroma


  1. Wow! Loved this post and the great photo's! I found your blog through Georgia's post. Do you have the recipe that you used to make these? they're gorgeous and I love that you used great ingredients for the colour/scent. I also Blog
    about healthy recipes, and healthy living as I am a young mama (23) to two little ones. I love photography as well. Latiesha x

  2. Hi Lateisha, Thank you! The recipe was found at the blog link below.. I am off now to go and look at your blog so I will see you there! x x x

  3. oh my goodness, that playdough looks good enought to eat!

    1. Oh thank you Brenda! It was a lot of fun to make and the lavender makes it smell divine x x
