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Sunday 7 April 2013


"A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

You don't walk through life, you dance. You sing and laugh and clap as you do and I am forever thankful that I get to dance beside you.

This week my heart stayed with Lola. Her eyes always captivate me, there is so much love and beauty in them and if you met her Mama you would know why.

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. Such a sweet image. I love her little dress too. x

  2. Such a little cuddlepie! I love her tiny sandles xx

  3. Such a lovely photo. I can see the skip in her step!

  4. The beautiful image of your audrey & your words were enough to make me well up! Such a pretty little lady as always. Thankyou for your lovely words to us, I had to double check that it was us you were talking about - that was very sweet of you xxx

  5. What a sweet moment captured there. xx

  6. She is so darling, love her little dress and sandals! Such a sweet moment captured!
