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Sunday 26 May 2013


"A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

We are up to your fourth hair cut, I cannot believe the rate at which your unruly hair grows! You sit very still and watch the snipping of the scissors and water being sprayed, only becoming frustrated at the end when it comes to trimming your fringe. I love watching you take everything in as you look around the salon at the other patrons, foil peeking out from their hair or sitting under the heat. I cannot help but wonder what you are thinking...

Could Maile be any more beautiful? I love following Maile and her Mumma Katie on instagram. Their days are full of love and adventure plus the most adorable pics of this beautiful girl and her dog.

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. Your little girl is so gorgeous.
    I haven't been brave enough to get Toddler C's hair cut yet...even though they are getting long, I love his blond curls too much to go in for a trim!

    1. Oh your babes hair is beautiful, I couldn't cut it either Hun. Audrey's hair has a curl but shr has inherited my frizz and she is not one to sit and have her hair done at home.
      Wishing you a wonderful week x x

  2. I can't get over how cute this cut is - look at her sitting there ever so patiently (I use to become frustrated at the fringe part too Audrey :)
    Wish I were brave enough to cut/trim lola's hair, it's pretty wild, but so is she! Ha!
    Glad to hear you're having a better week, enjoy the beautiful sunshine x

    1. She is very still during her hair cuts but having her chu chu in is a must! I was hoping to let her hair grow but she absolutely hates having it washed, brushed or even touched at home so keeping it under control is next to impossible. With it short I don't even need to brush it, I just run my fingers through it and she is off on her next adventure!
      I hope you are feeling better too Hun, these sunny autumn days definitely help the body to mend x x

  3. So gorgeous. We are trying to work ourselves up for hair cut #2 here

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  5. She is gorgeous! Great shot!

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