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Saturday 6 July 2013


three favourites from The 52 Project

1/52 : My summer babe, born in the water and determined to spend the majority of her life in it.
6/52 : My book worm frog, always reading.
20/52 : My thinker, the world is her oyster.

My, where has the year gone? It is hard to believe we at the half way point of the 52 project! As I poured over 26 weeks of portraits I realised I will be forever grateful to Jodi, her project has given me so much. My photography skills have improved, I appreciate life and look at the world with open eyes, I have met a world of wonderfully talented women who I am so lucky to call my friends and at the end of the year we will have a beautiful journal to look back on and see how quickly how our frog has grown.


  1. Such beautiful images of your little frog! She will treasure these when she is older. Hope your week is beautiful :) xx

    1. Oh thank you lovely. I hope your week is beautiful too, off to get lost in your beautiful blog x x x

  2. Love, love and more love x
