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Sunday 4 August 2013

Magic In The Mundane.

The everyday doesn't have to be boring...
Attending 'The Creatives' made me look at our life with different eyes and appreciate our world. We are finding and remembering the beauty in our everyday...

The breakfast of champions.. Yoghurt, stewed fruit and puffed kamut.
Collecting herbs from the garden for tea and spilling or eating most of them on her way to the kitchen.
A two hour trip to the accountants meant many books and snacks. Our accountant was lucky enough to receive a high 5 from Frog as we walked out the door!
Fruit & veg shopping.
Little hands reaching for mushrooms.
Neglected lavender at our front door.
Bedtime requires a story and a doll.
If she is quiet you can generally find her here.
Freshly baked banana and walnut loaf.
Pjs, a rusty tap and a determined toddler.
Off to the shops, hand in hand.

Joining in with Emily and a world of talented bloggers


  1. these little moments are the sweetest of the day!!!

    1. Thank you Wendie, I am hoping to keep something like this going. x

  2. I love the pear photo! You may have been doing it unknowingly, but I believe you have always held a special talent in finding the beauty & magic in the mundane & everyday. It's always nice to be reminded from time to time though. Keep the lovely photos coming, have a wonderful week xx

    1. Oh thank you Ash, your words mean so much as I think you are the master of finding beauty in everything your family does. Our camera now goes everywhere with us... Wishing you a wonderful week too lovely, hope you and bubba are well. x x

  3. i love the pear photograph too, such a dear wee face x

  4. Absolutely stunning images, beautiful one x
