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Monday 2 September 2013

Memories In Print :: Origrami

After attending the Life : Captured workshop it became apparent that we did not have nearly enough of our memories printed and displayed around our home. We take photos to remember our days but how often do we look at them? Sadly, hardly ever... I decided to remedy this the day after the workshop and my first stop was Origrami. After learning they were a Sydney based husband and wife team I was extremely excited to check them out and they did not disappoint. Their site is extremely user friendly and downloads your images straight from Instagram. Your choices include square or retro print and the option of having your caption or photomap printed on the back. For $19.95 you receive 36 beautifully printed images in the cutest little box I have ever seen! Oh and all this delivered within a few weeks of placing your order. We are so happy with our new photo wall and Audrey is loving her new "camera"...

This post was in no way sponsored by Origrami...


  1. What a beautiful concept and the packaging is so cute! I print photos often because we send them to my father-in-law and I always print extras for our home. And because I love my Instax mini we have lots of Polaroids on our walls too. And stickygrams - gotta love stickygrams! xoxox

    1. I will most definitely be making a habit of printing more photos, they brightened up our walls and put a smile on my face every time I look at them. Oh stickygrams? I will have to go and check them out too! Wishing you a lovely week x x

  2. Oh I love this!! I am off to organise mine right now. Thanks so much for sharing lovely x x

    1. My pleasure dear friend, I am so glad we heard about them at the workshop. Wishing you a wonderful week x x

  3. Really gorgeous packaging! I've been meaning to do something like this; I may just have to, now.

    1. Oh Katie, I can just see an installation of these with your "a dog and his baby" collection! They would be magical. Much love dear friend x


  4. Isn't Origrami wonderful and Australian based and oh so cute...I ordered 4 boxes the first week I found out about them. See my post below:-

    I just got my first 9 magnets from Stickygram last week as well...they are cool too.

    The Life Captured Workshop looked amazing...pity it's in Sydney though. How did you attach the photos to the wall....blu-tack? I love the square format...I just went for the Polaroid look. Regards Kathy A, Brisbane, Australia

    1. It was sensational Kathy, if you get the chance to come down I highly recommend it. We just used blu-tack but would love any other ideas people have to attach them. I am off to check out sticky gram now (they sound great) and have a squiz at your blog! Wishing you a wonderful week x

  5. They look great!! How did you pin down which ones you want? I have so many photos and I never manage to pin down my favourites and I always get caught up worrying about how old some of my photos are because the boys grow so fast... silly huh.

    1. Thank you lovely! It took me a little while to pick which ones I wanted but the best thing about it is because they are so inexpensive you can update them regularly! Wishing you a wonderful week x x

  6. I love these! I have the same "problem" lots of instagram photos but not many current family photos up around the house.

    1. Oh Julie, now I have started I cant stop! Our walls have been bare for too long. Wishing you a wonderful week x

  7. Oh these are wonderful! Love! And your home is gorgeous Elle x

  8. I've just ordered some more of these - and I agree they are fabulous
    Love what you've done with them!

  9. Just discovered you through the lovely Claire of oscarlucinda... I love this idea. I have a few bare walls here which I've been waiting to be able to afford some pieces of artwork for but am thinking I could do something like this perhaps in one spot. I've been trying to get back into the habit of printing off photos again after far too long of not doing so... am enjoying reading through your posts...
