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Sunday 10 March 2013


 "A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

I knew I would have trouble choosing a single portrait of you for this week with so many to chose from. We have returned from a wonderful mini break in Queensland visiting family, attending a wedding and relaxing poolside. I love the way you love the people in your life. You are so open with your emotion and I hope that never changes. 

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. She is just darling, and I love her name! xo

  2. Beautiful shots, I can understand why you found it impossible to choose!

    1. Thank you Ruby! I just LOVED your portrait this week of Casper, stunning! x

  3. Loving that little fountain piggy tail :0)

    1. Oh I am all about a good fountain top! ha ha x

  4. eee! that picture of dad and daughter cuddling is beautiful. x

    1. Thank you. They missed each other so very much, even thought it was only 48 hours. They are just two peas in a pod those two.. x

  5. Beautiful choices! That little swimsuit is adorable! You have had quite an eventful few weeks - what a lucky girl Audrey is to have you as her mumma x

    ps - you pulled me into gear this week, I'm a day late, but when i saw you posted, it reminded me to get my act together ;) xxx

    1. Ha ha I was really late last week, we were just having so much fun up north..

      I am so very excited to hear your wonderful news, I was just saying to Luke the other day I had a feeling someone was pregnant but not sure who. Then your news popped up on my feed and I screamed "I told you I could feel a secret bubba". Lola will be a beautiful big sister and we already know how wonderful you and Marty are as parents... x x x

  6. oh, i just adore that first shot! beautiful moment :)

    1. Oh I love the name of your blog Sharlene! A very dear friend of mine always used to call me his "Mon Petit Chou Chou".... Thank you for your lovely comment, nothing beats a Dad and Daughters love.. x x
