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Sunday 20 January 2013


"A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

This week saw you battle your first tummy bug and it broke my heart to see you so sad. Your beautiful cheeky smile was hidden under a constant frown and many tears. I was so worried as I watched you turn away your food and it felt like you were shrinking before my eyes. Thankfully after a few days you were back to yourself, eating us out of house and home and that cheeky smile quickly returned. Others may wonder why I chose this photo of you for this weeks portrait, the truth is I want to remember all of you not just the happy you. We will share good times and bad in our life together little frog and they will all hold a special place in my heart.

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. Hi there! popping in from che and fidel to say that this picture is so sweet. :) Im glad she's not sick anymore.

  2. That hat is gorgeous!Such a serious little face too.

  3. Illnesses are always heart wrenching when you are a mother. Glad to hear she is better.

  4. Adorable! (Not the sick part, though.) Kellie xx
