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Monday 21 January 2013

Manic Mondays No More.

For the last few months Mondays have consisted of waking up before the sun, shoving food down my family's throat (plus half a litre of coffee down my own) and rushing them out the door to get to school and work on time. To say Mondays have been less then enjoyable is a major understatement! Today was a little different though... We snuggled in bed till 9am, we enjoyed our coffee and ate breakfast as a family, we stayed in our pjs till after 11am and pottered around the house singing and playing games. You may be wondering how this was possible, I am not on holidays or sick and the Australia Day public holiday isn't until next Monday. You see towards the end of last year working full time plus caring for my family really started to take its toll. I was miserable and run down, I felt like my family was coming second, I had no energy and no motivation to do the things I loved most. Then late one night while trawling Pinterest I discovered the following quote:

"In order to spoil your children spend twice as much time with them and half the money"

That small sentence changed my perspective on life. I was working so hard to provide my daughter with the best of everything but I wasn't spending any quality time with her. My husband and I were like passing ships in the night and we rarely got to sit down and enjoy each others company. I made the decision to cut back my hours and adopt living simply. All the blogs I follow talk about living a simple life, with little need for material things and being happy with what you have. Upcycle, recycle, reduce and reuse, be self sufficient (as much as we can in suburbia) and learn to love the life we are living, this would be our families new motto.

So today we made the most of our day, we ate all our meals outdoors, we went for a walk to feed the ducks, we read stories, we baked a beautiful (simple) dinner together and enjoyed a long bath. Life is too short not to enjoy it and money doesn't make you happy. Now love, love can make you happy...

Love, Elle. x x x

1. Mmmmm lunch
2. Enjoying new tastes
3. Helping to make sweet potato and salmon fritters
4. Having a sneaky taste of Keens Curry Powder
5. That wild hair

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