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Sunday 27 January 2013


"A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

From the day we brought you home you have always loved the shower. You would happily stay in until your entire body is wrinkled from the water. Sometimes its nice to have a shower instead of a bath, although there are no toys in the shower there are always plenty of cuddles! If you have had a big day there is nothing better than resting your tired head on your Daddy's shoulder while the warm water runs down your back. And that bum, there are no words for that bum!!!

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. Love, love, LOVE that crinkled bum!

  2. Oh that is the most adorable picture i have seen all week! just so squishy and wrinkly.. just perfection, gorgeous captures x

  3. Nothing beats shower huggin' - best thing ever! You captured a beautiful moment elle xx

  4. These are the cutest photos!

  5. Thank you everybody, her little bum gets me every time! Loving this challenge, it really makes you get outside of your normal routine and take photos of everyday life. Not to mention finding some absolutely amazing blogs! x x
