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Saturday 22 June 2013


"A portrait of Audrey, once a week, every week, in 2013"

You wait, you sit on our front step and you wait. You know he will come home from work after the sun goes down, he will come home and cuddle you and tickle you and kiss you. He is your best friend, he is your Dadda.

Little Lucy's feet.

- Joining in with Jodi and a world of talented bloggers -


  1. This is magic! And what a delightful memory to capture for your man. Hope your Sunday is wonderful x

    1. Oh thank you lovely Steph! Their bond is like no other and it fills my heart with joy to watch them. Our Sunday is wet and grey but that just means extra cups of tea and snuggles on the lounge. Wishing you a wonderful week (and keep an eye out for the postie. x x x

  2. Love popping over here on a Sunday to have a peek at adorable little Audrey - watching her grow & change each week is just the loveliest thing xx

    1. Likewise lovely Ash! I can't wait to see what plans you have for your kitchen. How many weeks to go till Buba Jameson arrives? X x x

  3. That is the sweetest. Kellie xx

  4. your picture really stood out in amongst the thumbnails over at Che and Fidel. What a great capture xx

  5. Love this, what a stunning picture of your sweet girl, and such a sweet moment captured! Truly a favorite of mine this week! xx

  6. Lovelly shot!!! And nice words...

  7. Little girls relationships with their Dads are so important. This image shows what a great love there is between them.

  8. so sweet! my daughter is always waiting for her daddy! i love the light and that's definitely one of my fav of the past week!
