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Saturday 1 June 2013

Days Like These.

Driving through the country side, a warm lunch at the Pub, pottering in antique stores, running through the autumn leaves, playing with over 100 chickens in Debs backyard. Everybody needs days like these....

Today we drove down the road to Jamberoo, we were off to pick up a lovely 12 week old Australorp named Stevie and thought we would make a day of it. I love the drive to Jamberoo, with its green fields and Jersey Cows I instantly feel at ease and relaxed. We all enjoyed a Guinness pie with chips and gravy at the local Pub then headed over to the park to play amongst the autumn leaves. With our bellies full and our hearts a flutter we went to Deb's property to meet our Stevie. The nights have been cold and I have been worried about Ethel being outside by herself, Stevie will hopefully keep her warm and provide a bit of company.



  1. What a beautiful adventure! Your images of your day are gorgeous. Wishing you snuggly chickens and an equally slow Sunday :) xx

    1. Thank you lovely! It was a wonderful day. I hope your weekend has been restful and warm, it is blustery and winter has really set in down our way. x x x x

  2. I got lost in your description of the day.. brought on such lovely feelings! As did the photos - you got some real beauties there xx

  3. Gorgeous photos.
    And those chooks! So regal!

  4. Finally catching up with your blog, and I'm in love! So happy to have another avenue with which to keep up with you.

