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Tuesday 4 June 2013

A Ladies Day Out.

Today we got dressed up and treated our Nanny K to a ladies day out. There was no special occasion, Audrey and I just wanted to spend some quality time with this special lady. We began by pottering in our favourite store, filled to the brim with handmade dolls and dresses, doilies and handkerchiefs and smocking as far as the eye can see, it is heaven. Audrey was treated (spoilt) to a little baby in a beautiful vintage cradle. She kissed her baby and pat its head as we walked next door the The Tea Shoppe for lunch and devonshire tea. All the ladies from the church who run the Tea Shoppe "ooooohhed and ahhhhhed" over Audrey and her beautiful dress. She sang and she danced and made everyone laugh by giving her new baby some of her sandwich, even patting its mouth with a serviette. After we dropped our dear Nanny K home we decided it might be nice to surprise Luke at work, we miss him on the days he is away from us and I am so glad we did as his smile told me he was in need of a visit.

Winter may have arrived but today the sun was as warm as the love in our hearts and the tea in our bellies.


  1. Oh what a perfect way to spend the morning. It's so lovely to see the beautiful relationship shared between audrey & her nanny. That photo of them smiling together should be framed!
    Your favourite store doesn't happen to be the little craft store in town adjoined to the church? If it's the one I thinking of, we LOVE that hidden treaure too! Lola & Edie's baptism dresses were from there, and I couldn't help myself to pretty much everything in size 2! Lola was playing with that sweet crib last time we popped in! She chose to take home a knitted zebra! Such sweet ladies who volunteer there. Loving these posts x

    1. It most certainly is lovely lady, but shhhhhh don't tell anyone or they will buy all our lovely treasures. He he. We try to visit once a month and always have tea next door. It is beautiful and the ladies are so lovely. Have you been to the new bookstore next door? We bought Audrey a beautiful picture book of bible stories and she loves it!

  2. Secrets safe here! It had your name written all over it :) Yes the bookstore is divine. Picked up a bible for edie there recently and some stickers & 'vegie tales' on dvd for lola. Such a sweet little lane of shops. Enjoy your book audrey girl xx

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